This resource includes 30 questions
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Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
This resource includes 2 pages (15 questions);
- Levers,
- Pulleys – (Fixed, Movable & Block and Tackle )
- Wheel and Axle,
- Inclined plane.
- Gears
- Mechanical ADVANTAGE
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
Electricity and Electrostatics - Teachers Note – 1
This document contains;
- Electricity and matters
- Electrified objects
- Conductors and insulators
- Lightning and lightning rod
- Discharging
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
Electricity and Electrostatics - Teachers Note – 2
This document contains;
- Electric current, unit of electric current, measuring electric current
- Voltage, unit of voltage, measuring voltage
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
Electricity and Electrostatics - Teachers Note – 3
This document contains;
- Ohm’s Law
- Resistance and unit of resistance
- Combinations of Resistors (Series and Parallel Combinations)
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
Electricity and Electrostatics - Teachers Note – 4
This document contains;
- Source of Electricity (wet and dry cells, accumulators)
- Combination of Batteries (series and parallel combinations)
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
This document contains;
- Electric current, unit of electric current, measuring electric current
- Voltage, unit of voltage, measuring voltage
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
This document contains;
- Ohm’s Law
- Resistance and unit of resistance
- Combinations of Resistors (Series and Parallel Combinations)
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
1 - Pressure - Teachers Note – 1
This document has 3 pages;
- Pressure and its unit
- Pressure in solids
- Pressure in liquids
- Transmission of pressure by liquids
- Pascal’s principle
- Application of Pascal’s principle (Hydraulic lift)
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan.
2 - Pressure - Teachers Note – 2
This document has 4 pages;
- Pressure of Gases
- Atmospheric pressure
- Torricelli’s experiment
- Barometers
- Manometers
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan.
3 - Buoyancy (Up thrust Force) - Archimedes’ Principle - Teachers Note
This document has 2 pages
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan.
4 - Pressure - Quick review for EXAM
(This document has 4 pages & 47 questions)
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You can get easily student feedback from this subject with these systematic documents.
This document contains;
- Electricity and matters
- Electrified objects
- Conductors and insulators
- Lightning and lightning rod
- Discharging
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan…
This resource includes 65 questions
By using Microsoft Visio, you can change everything of each question’s data and style…
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
This resource includes 22 pages (Word & PDF) (98 Questions with Answer Key) Fully editable!
Questions are about;
• Visible Light Spectrum
• Colors of light
• Colors of Pigments (Paints)
• Colored FILTERS
• Rainbow
• Seeing Colored Objects
• Classroom Activities
• Daily life Examples
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
Click Here for Full Dispersion of Light – Visible Light Spectrum – Colors of Light – Colors of Pigments (Paints, Dyes, or Inks) – Colored Filters – Rainbow:
1. Sound Waves – PPT
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
This resource includes 60 slides;
- (questions with Answer key)
- Physics around us...
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt aAND Tempus Sans ITC)
With this PPT, Candidates should be able to:
(a) describe the production of sound by vibrating sources.
(b) describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves and describe compression and rarefaction.
(c) state the approximate range of audible frequencies for the healthy human ear as 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.
(d) explain why a medium is required in order to transmit sound waves and describe an experiment to demonstrate this.
(e) describe a direct method for the determination of the speed of sound in air and make the necessary
(f) state the order of magnitude of the speeds of sound in air, liquids, and solids.
(g) explain how the loudness and pitch of sound waves relate to amplitude and frequency.
(h) describe how the reflection of sound may produce an echo.
(i) describe how the shape of a sound wave as demonstrated by an oscilloscope is affected by the quality (timbre) of the sound wave.
(j) define ultrasound.
(k) describe the uses of ultrasound in cleaning, quality control, and pre-natal scanning.
2. Sound Waves – Quiz
- This resource includes 8 pages with Answer Sheet
You can get easily student feedback from this subject with these systematic documents.
You should install these Fonts for these documents; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
3. Sound Waves – Puzzle
This resource includes;
- 15 different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf and word documents, (44 pages)
- Study sheet
Vocabulary Words:
Audible range
Doppler Effect
Longitudinal Wave
Mechanical Wave
Sonic boom
Threshold of pain
You can teach the Sound easily with this document.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
This source contains;
1. Work - Energy - Power – PPT
By using this PPT (4O slides) Students will learn;
- Relation between WORK & ENERGY
- Types of ENERGY
- How to convert one type of energy into the other one
- Power & Efficiency of a MACHINE
2. Teachers Note;
This document has 4 pages;
- Work
- Energy
- Potential Energy
- Kinetic Energy
- Conservation of Energy
- Power
- Solving problems
New Teachers can use this document as a lesson plan.
3. Quiz;
This EXAM PAPER has 4 pages, (2 Groups)
4. Quick Review for EXAM;
This Revision PAPER has 8 pages with Answer Sheet
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Forces - Bundle
This Bundle includes;
1. Forces – PPT
This resource includes 57 slides;
- Representing a Force,
- Scalar and Vector Quantities,
- Types of FORCES;
• Gravitational force & Weight,
• Magnetic force,
• Electrostatic force,
• Action-Reaction force,
• Friction force,
• Tension force,
• Normal force.
- Physics around us...
- Review.
2. Forces – Quiz
- This source includes 25 questions with 2 pages.
- Questions are about Forces, Mass, Gravity, Scalar and Vector quantities etc.
3. Forces - Quick Review for EXAM
- This source includes 6 pages (42 questions with answer sheet)
- Questions are about Forces, Mass, Gravity, Scalar and Vector quantities etc.
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
This resource contains 6 pages with Answer Sheets;
This document is about;
Volume, (Capacity)
You can get easily student feedback from this subject with these systematic documents.
You should install these Fonts for these documents; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)